[Math] Characteristic functions based proof problem.


I am trying to show that if $T$ be a closed bounded interval and $E$ a measurable subset of $T$. Let $\epsilon >0$, then there is a step function $h$ on $T$ and a measurable subset $F$ of $T$ for which $h=\chi_E$ on $F$ and $m(T – F)<\epsilon$.

Some Thoughts towards the proof.

$\forall \epsilon >0$, there is a finite disjoint collection of open intervals $\left\{ I_{k}\right\} _{k=1}^{n}$ for which if $O=U_{k=1}^{n}I_{k}$ then $$m^{*}(E-O) + m^{*}(O-E) < \epsilon.$$

Also $$\chi_{E}=\begin{cases}1, & x\in E \\ 0, & x\notin E. \end{cases} $$

So $\forall \epsilon >0$ we have $\chi_{E} = \chi_{O}$.

Now $h$ being a step function looks like $$h =\sum _{i=0}^{n}\alpha _{i}\chi _{T_i}\left( x\right).$$

I am unsure how to proceed from here and show the two results.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

As David Mitra suggests in the comments,

Apply Littlewood's first principle to find a finite collection of open intervals whose union $U$ satisfies $\mu(U\Delta E)<\varepsilon$. Take $F$ to be $(U\Delta E)^C$ and define the step function to be $1$ on $U$ and $0$ off $U$.