[Math] Characteristic Function of an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process

characteristic-functionsprobability theorystochastic-calculusstochastic-differential-equationsstochastic-processes

Consider the Ornstein Uhlenbeck process, defined by the SDE:
dX_t = \alpha(\mu – X_t) dt + \sigma dW_t

I want to compute the characteristic function of this process. My approach is simply to apply Ito's lemma and then taking the expectation. Therefore, since the characteristic function is defined by
Therefore, we apply Ito's lemma to the original SDE, with the function $g(X_t,t)=e^{itX_t}$. This yields
dg(X_t) = (iX_t e^{itX_t} + ite^{itX_t}(\alpha(\mu -X_t)) – \frac{1}{2}t^2e^{itX_t} \sigma^2) dt + ite^{itX_t} \sigma dW_t
Hence, taking the expectation should yield
\mathbb{E}[g(X_t)] = e^{itX_0} + (iX_t e^{i t X_t} + i t e^{iX_t}(\alpha(\mu – X_t)) – \frac{1}{2} t^2 e^{itX_t}\sigma^2)t

Does the above reasoning make sense? I hope that somebody can help! 🙂

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