[Math] Change of summation index and Rewriting multiple summation as one sum – Induction Proof of Multinomial Theorem


Pictures from http://www.math.msu.edu/~dhand/MTH481FS08/Notes7.pdf

I checked out Changing Summation Index Question but I still can't figure this out.

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I. First page of PDF. Substitute $a = n – k, b = k$ in the first sum to get the second sum. The first sum's index is $0 \le k \le n \iff$ Variable substitution $ \color{blue}{n} = a + k = \color{blue}{a + b}, \, \color{green}{b = k}$ $\iff 0 \le \color{green}{b} \le \color{blue}{a -b}$.
But the PDF has $a + b = n$. How come?

II. Second page on PDF. What happened to the sum over $a_1 + … + a_{k – 1} = b$? Did it get substituted into the first sum? Why? In https://math.stackexchange.com/a/448118/87058, James Cook recommends writing out the multiple sums. So we should not rewrite them as one sum.

Best Answer

Manipulations of this sort are often manipulations of index sets in disguise.

\begin{eqnarray} (x_1+...+x_k)^n &=& \sum_{i_k+j=n} { n! \over i_k! j! } (x_1+... x_{k-1})^j x_k^{i_k} \\ &=& \sum_{i_k+j=n} { n! \over i_k! j! } \left( \sum_{i_1+...i_{k-1}=j} { j! \over i_1! ... i_{k-1}!} x_1^{i_1}...x_{k-1}^{i_{k-1}} \right) x_k^{i_k} \\ &=& \sum_{i_k+j=n} \sum_{i_1+...i_{k-1}=j} { n! \over i_1! ... i_k!} x_1^{i_1}... x_k^{i_k} \\ \end{eqnarray} Now note that $\{(i_1,...,i_k) | i_1+...+i_k = n \} = \cup_{j=0}^n \{(i_1,...,i_{k-1}) | i_1+...i_{k-1}=j \} \times \{ (i_k) | i_k=n-j\}$ to get \begin{eqnarray} (x_1+...+x_k)^n &=& \sum_{i_1+...i_{k}=n} { n! \over i_1! ... i_k!} x_1^{i_1}... x_k^{i_k} \\ \end{eqnarray}

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