[Math] CFG for $a^ib^jc^k : j <= i + k$


I am trying to figure out the CFG of a given language.

For $a^ib^jc^k :j = i + k$

I found a solution something like below.

S_0 &\to aS_1bS_2
\mid S_1bS_2c
\mid\epsilon \\
S_1 &\to aS_1b
S_2 &\to bS_2c \mid \epsilon \\

But when the condition is $j \le i + k$ I cannot figure out how should I modify my CFG.

Best Answer

Here's a slightly simplified grammar for the equality condition:

$$\begin{align} S&\to S_1 S_2\\ S_1&\to a S_1 b \mid \epsilon\\ S_2&\to b S_2 c \mid \epsilon \end{align} $$

In effect, this ensures that an $b$ is added whenever either an $a$ or a $c$ is added. For the condition $\le$ instead of $=$, we instead add at most one $b$ instead of exactly one time:

$$\begin{align} S&\to S_1 S_2\\ S_1&\to a S_1 b \mid a S_1\mid\epsilon\\ S_2&\to b S_2 c \mid S_2 c\mid\epsilon \end{align} $$

Similarly, for the $\ge$ condition, we want to make sure that at least one $b$ is added: $$\begin{align} S&\to S_1 S_2\\ S_1&\to a S_1 b \mid S_1 b\mid\epsilon\\ S_2&\to b S_2 c \mid b S_2\mid\epsilon \end{align} $$

These patterns are quite useful if you're playing the "write me a CFG game". More importantly, they might provide some insight into how pushdown automata work (and why they're called pushdown automata), and even into how to think recursively.