[Math] Centroid Root Locus

control theory

I can't figure out how to find the root locus centroid for the poles of this simple equation in a positive feedback system.


I have read in many places that the centroid is found by this formula:


The transfer function poles are:
p1=-1.5+\frac{\sqrt{5}}{2} \\

So the centroid should be:


However, in this video
https://youtu.be/eyb_RzOnfGY?t=559 , and also Matlab says that the right answer for the centroid is c=-1.
What I am doing wrong in the calculation?

Best Answer

Wouldn't the centroid be at -3? Ill put it in MATLAB and see what I get (dont have enough rep to add comments) EDIT: This seems right to me, I noticed you only have H(s), do you know if there was any G(s)? I tried to click the link to the video and it wouldn't load, best of luck.

$$ c = \frac{-1.5 + \frac{\sqrt5}{2} -1.5 - \frac{\sqrt5}{2} - 0}{1}$$

$$ c = \frac{-3}{1} = -3$$

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