[Math] Centralizer of permutations in $S_{n}$


I need to find the centralizer of the permutations $\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & \cdots & n \end{pmatrix}$ and $\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 2 & \cdots & n-1\end{pmatrix}$ in $S_{n}$. Now, perhaps I'm confusing it with the center, but I thought that individual elements didn't have centralizers. I thought that only sets of elements did. The definition I have in my class notes is the following:

Let $G$ be a group and $Y$ any set of elements of $G$. The centralizer $C_{G}(Y)$ is the set of elements of $G$ which commute with all $y \in Y$.

So, is this problem asking me to list which elements of $S_{n}$ commute with each other? I remember learning that any permutation can be written as a product of disjoint cycles and disjoint cycles commute, so is it true that two permutations commute iff they share no cycles in common?

If so, how would I prove this (conjugacy classes, perhaps?)? And if not, or if this statement is incorrect, how would I go about finding the centralizers of these two permutations in $S_{n}$?

Thank you.

Best Answer

I will assume permutations act on the right. Throughout $i,j$ will refer to any integers with $1\le i,j\le n$.

Let $\sigma,\omega\in S_n$. Denote $\sigma^\omega=\omega^{-1}\sigma\omega$ and notice $(i^\omega)^{(\sigma^\omega)}=(i^\sigma)^\omega$ so if, for example, $\sigma=(x_1,\ldots,x_r)$ is a cycle then $\sigma^\omega=(x_1^\omega,\ldots,x_r^\omega)$.

Write $\sigma_1=(1,2,\ldots,n)$ and $\sigma_2=(1,2,\ldots, n-1)$. I will answer both interpretations of the question, so I will calculate $C_{S_n}(\sigma_1)$, $C_{S_n}(\sigma_2)$ and $C_{S_n}(\{\sigma_1,\sigma_2\})=C_{S_n}(\sigma_1)\cap C_{S_n}(\sigma_2)$.

Suppose $\omega\in C_{S_n}(\sigma_1)$, so $\sigma_1^\omega=\sigma_1$. From the above, $\sigma_1=\sigma_1^\omega=(1^\omega,\ldots,n^\omega)$. Say $1\le i\le n-1$, then $i^{\sigma_1}=i+1$ and $n^{\sigma_1}=1$. In particular if $i^\omega=j$ then (modulo $n$) $(i+1)^\omega=j+1=i^\omega+1$. Hence $\omega\in\langle \sigma_1\rangle$, but $C_{S_n}(\sigma_1)\supseteq\langle \sigma_1\rangle$ so $C_{S_n}(\sigma_1)=\langle \sigma_1\rangle$.

Suppose $\omega\in C_{S_n}(\sigma_2)$, then by the above $(n^\omega)^{\sigma_2}=(n^\omega)^{(\sigma_2^\omega)}=(n^{\sigma_2})^\omega=n^\omega$. The only fixed point of $\sigma_2$ is $n$ so $n^\omega=n$. Therefore $\omega\in S_{n-1}$ so we are reduced to the $\sigma_1$ case (but for $n-1$) so $C_{S_n}(\sigma_2)=\langle \sigma_2\rangle$.

Finally we have $C_{S_n}(\{\sigma_1,\sigma_2\})=C_{S_n}(\sigma_1)\cap C_{S_n}(\sigma_2)=\{1_{S_n}\}$