[Math] Center of Lie group and Lie algebra


Let $G$ be a Lie group and $\mathfrak{g} = T_eG$ its Lie algebra (where $e \in G$ is the neutral element). Denote $Z(\mathfrak{g})$ the center of $\mathfrak{g}$ and $Z(g)$ the center of $G$. I've read the following statement but don't see how to prove it:
$$Z(\mathfrak{g}) = 0 \Longleftrightarrow Z(G) \text{ is zero dimensional.}$$
I'm mainly interested in the "$\Leftarrow$" direction, as this is used in a corollary of the Bonnet-Myers theorem in the text I'm reading.

Now, my knowledge of Lie groups is very basic. For instance, I guess that the dimension of $Z(G)$ means its dimension as a manifold. So I would think that $Z(G)$ is a submanifold of $G$. But how do I even see this in general?

According to this question When is the Lie algebra of the center of Lie group the center of its Lie algebra, it seems to be difficult to find conditions when $Z(\mathfrak{g}) = Z(G)$ holds in general, however the statement above looks more simple.

Would someone be able to prove the above equivalence?

Best Answer

This is an answer for $G$ connected.

Okay, for $Y\in \frak{g}$, you can show that the flow on $G$ given by the vector field, $Y$, is given by multiplication by elements of $e^{tY}, (t\in \mathbb{R})$. If $X\neq 0$, is in the center, then its flow commutes with the flow associated to all other members of $\frak{g}$ i.e. $e^{tX}$ commutes with $e^{tY}$ for all $Y\in \frak{g}$. The set $\{e^{tY}: t\in \mathbb{R}, Y\in \frak{g}\}$ contains an open neighborhood of the identity, so it generates $G$, since $G$ is connected. So $e^{tY}$ commutes with a subset that generates $G$, hence it commutes with all elements of $G$. Hence $e^{tY}$ is in the center of $G$. So $Z(G)$ contains a one-dimensional sub manifold, hence is not zero-dimensional.

I realize this probably uses more Lie-group theory than you had hoped, and maybe theres a more elementary way to do it, but i don't immediately see it.

Edit :Maybe there's an easier way to see that $X\in Z(\frak{g})$ implies $e^{tX}\in Z(G)$: Let $\gamma: \mathbb{R}\rightarrow \mathfrak{g}, t\mapsto L_{e^{tY}\ast} \circ R_{e^{-tY}\ast }(X_e)$. Then prove that $\gamma'(0)=[X,Y]$ (this requires the interpretation of the bracket as the Lie derivative). So if $X$ is in the center, then $\gamma'(s)= L_{e^{sY}_\ast }\circ R_{e^{-sY}_\ast }(0)=0$ (since $ L_{e^{(s+t)Y}\ast}= L_{e^{sY} \ast} \circ L_{e^{tY} \ast}$ and likewise for $X$). But this implies $\gamma = X_e$ is constant. So $e^{tY}e^{uX}e^{-tY} = e^{uX}$ for all $t, u\in \mathbb{R}$, which says all $e^{uX}$ commute with all $e^{tY}$