[Math] Center of Group and Conjugacy Classes


I am trying to prove that the center of a group $G$ is the union of the trivial conjugacy classes of $G$.

So far what I have:

We know the center $Z(G)$ of group $G$ is defined by $\{ b \in G\mid ba= ab\,\forall a \in G\}$. We also know if there is an element $ x \in G $ such that $ b = x^{-1}ax$, then $a$ is conjugate to $b$.

Since we know the elements $b$ of $G$ commute with every element of $G$ in the center, we may say every element in $Z(G)$ has a conjugate. Therefore, the center is the union of all these conjugacy classes.

Is this correct, or where did I run off course?

Best Answer

Hint 1: If $b\in Z(G)$ and $x\in G$, what is $xbx^{-1}$?

Hint 2: In the definition of $Z(G)$, write the condition "$ba=ab$" in a way that makes one side a conjugate of $b$.

Otherwise, what you say isn't meaningful. Every element of a group has a conjugate (namely itself), regardless of whether it is central or not. A subgroup being a union of conjugacy classes is a generally non-trivial thing (though here it is relatively simple). They're called normal subgroups, and not all subgroups are normal in general.