[Math] Center of gravity of a self intersecting irregular polygon


I am trying to calculate the center of gravity of a polygon.

My problem is that I need to be able to calculate the center of gravity for both regular and irregular polygons and even self intersecting polygons.

Is that possible?

I've also read that: http://paulbourke.net/geometry/polyarea/ But this is restricted to non self intersecting polygons.

How can I do this? Can you point me to the right direction?

Sub-Question: Will it matter if the nodes are not in order? if for example you have a square shape and you name the top right point (X1Y1) and then the bottom right point (X3Y3)?

In other words if your shape is like 4-1-2-3 (naming the nodes from left to right top to bottom)

Note: Might be a stupid question but I'm not a maths student or anything!


Best Answer

I think your best bet will be to convert the self-intersecting polygon into a set of non-self-intersecting polygons and apply the algorithm that you linked to to each of them. I don't think it's possible to solve your problem without finding the intersections, and if you have to find the intersections anyway, the additional effort of using them as new vertices in a rearranged vertex list is small compared to the effort of finding them.

To answer your subquestion: Yes, the order of the nodes does matter, especially if the polygon is allowed to be self-intersecting since in that case the order is an essential part of the specification of the polygon and different orders specify different polygons -- for instance, the "square" with the ordering you describe would be the polygon on the right-hand side of the two examples of self-intersecting polygons that the page you linked to gives (rotated by $\pi/2$).

P.S.: I just realized that different orders can also specify different non-self-intersecting (but not convex) polygons, so the only case where you could specify a polygon by its vertices alone is if you know it's convex. But even then you have to use the vertices in the right order in the algorithm you linked to.

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