[Math] category whose internal logic is paraconsistent


The internal language of topoi is higher-order typed intuitionistic logic. Now according to wikipedia, the dual of intuitionistic logic, in some sense is paraconsistent. They say

Intuitionistic logic allows $A ∨ ¬A$ not to be equivalent to true, while paraconsistent logic allows $A ∧ ¬A$ not to be equivalent to false. Thus it seems natural to regard paraconsistent logic as the "dual" of intuitionistic logic.

they go on to say:

A specific paraconsistent logic is dual-intuitionistic logic or paracomplete logic, this duality can be best seen in sequent calculus framework, where

Both $\vdash A \vee \neg A$ and $ \neg \neg A \vdash A$ are not derivable in intuitionistic logic, whereas

Both $ A ∧ \neg A \vdash$ and $ A \vdash \neg \neg A$ are not derivable in paraconsistent logic.

Given duality has a strong presence in Category theory, given that the internal language of toposes are intuitionistic, are there categories whose natural interpetation as a logic is dual-intuitionistic, or paraconsistent in some other way?

Best Answer

In the context of topos theory the answer would be no. The reason is (which I think is what you are saying) that in a topos the lattice of subobjects of the subobject classifier is a Heyting algebra, not (generally) a co-Heyting algebra. The duality you are talking about above is really saying that paraconsistent logic is algebraically like a co-Heyting algebra, while intuitionistic logic is algebraically like a Heyting algebra.

Of course, it should not be surprising that topos theory is not ideal for modeling paraconsistent logic seeing that it was designed to be ideal for intuitionistic logic (and paraconsistent logic is quite disjoint from it).

Now, to partly answer you question, it is unlikely that a notion dual to a topos will model paraconsistent logic. The reason is that the dual of a topos is (of course) generally not a topos and subobjects in the dual (which are the same as quotient objects in the original topos) don't have any Heyting or co-Heyting structure. What happens is that the lattice of quotient objects in the dual of a topos is the Hetying algebra of the subobjects in the original topos. In any case, no co-Heyting algebra there.

Whether there are categories that model paraconsistent logic, I think is currently not known.

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