[Math] Category Theory & Biology


Category theory is becoming more and more used in the following fields (besides others)

(1) Quantum physics (e.g. C. Isham and B. Coecke et al)

(2) General relativity (e.g. A.K. Guts et al)

(3) Linguistics and natural language processing (e.g. J. Lambek and S. Abramsky et al)

(4) Computer science (anyway)

Question. Does someone know if there are any connections so far between category theory and biology (genetics or ecology perhaps or any other discipline)?

Remark. I am aware that this question could also be posted on biology stack exchange. However my idea is that it could be better to ask it on the mathematics site, since it might rather be mathematicians that have some knowledge about such connections than biologists themselves.

Best Answer

You could have a look at the following two papers about genetics and category theory:

Category theory for genetics I: mutations and sequence alignments, https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.07002

Category theory for genetics II: genotype, phenotype and haplotype, https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.07004

These papers are revisions of the following one:
