Big List – Categories of Mathematics


I am interested in understanding how mathematics is divided into many categories, such as what categories are particular cases of what, what categories do not or have little overlap with what. This is meaningful to me, because it helps me get a big picture and not mess up many categories.

  1. Quoted from Arturo:

    think if "Algebra", "Geometry",
    "Analysis", "topology, "Number
    Theory", etc. as 'first-level
    subjects'; then you have algebraic
    number theory, algebraic topology,
    analytic geometry, etc., as
    'second-level subjects.' Now we have
    algebraic arithmetic geometry, a
    'third level subject'

    I was wondering what criterion is
    used to divide mathematics into the
    first level subjects?

    My understanding for these subjects

    The objects studied in algebra
    are sets with operators with some
    properties, and mapping between such
    sets. So algebra is dealing with
    general and abstract objects.

    Geometry is, quoted from Wikipedia:

    a branch of mathematics
    concerned with questions of shape,
    size, relative position of figures,
    and the properties of space.

    To make these questions meaningful, is the space a general inner
    product space? Or must it be a
    particular one, an Euclidean space
    $\mathbb{E}^n$? In either case,
    geometry is dealing with some kind
    of topological vector space, which
    seems to be more concrete than

    The subjects studied in analysis
    are derivatives and integrals of
    some mapping between some sets(
    others that I miss?). To make
    derivative concept meaningful, the
    domain and codomain of the mapping
    must be Banach spaces (?); to make
    integral concept meaningful, the
    domain and codomain of the mapping
    must be measure space and Banach
    space respectively(?).

    Topology is about neighborhood of each element in a set, defined as
    a class of subsets that are closed
    under arbitrary union and finite
    intersection. This is also quite
    general and abstract.

    Number theory is about properties of natural, integer,
    rational, real, complex, algebraic
    numbers, that are represented in
    terms of four specific operators $+,
    -, \times, \div$. This is quite concrete.

    In summary, the first-level subjects
    algebra, geometry, analysis,
    topology and number theory seem not
    stand at the same level of
    abstraction or concreteness. Is
    there a criterion or reason for
    dividing mathematical topics into
    these first-level subjects?

  2. There are also other categories of
    mathematics, such as set theory,
    category theory, logic and measure theory, which especially the first three seem quite general and each does not very much overlap with other
    categories of mathematics, including
    algebra, geometry, analysis,
    topology and number theory. So what
    kind of criterion is used to form
    these other categories?
  3. Are there other criteria for forming
    mathematics categories?

Thanks and regards!

Best Answer

I first refer you here, to the math subject classification system of the American Mathematical Society. I also refer you Arxiv's Math subject classification system. These are the two major systems that I use and that I refer to when classifying or looking for mathematics. As for the categories - these are often made the way they are due to historical events or interpretations.

In reference to the distinctions between 'first' and 'second' level math, and so on: I think that Arturo was basing these on necessary prerequisites. For example, one can take a first class on Algebra, Geometry, Elementary Number Theory, Real Analysis, or Topology without having taken any of the others. Of course, one might argue that there are many interconnections and that one would benefit from knowing algebra before learning number theory, or topology before real analysis, etc. I think this is true, but that it misses the point: it's not necessary at first.

On the other hand, algebraic number theory, algebraic topology, analytic geometry, etc (to directly quote your quote of Arturo) all require multiple previous topics, i.e. some mixture of topology, number theory, algebra, geometry, analysis, etc.