[Math] Categories and the Isomorphism Theorems


I've been trying to work through Mac Lane's "Categories for the Working Mathematician" on my own, but I seem to be struggling with the concept of universality (arrows and elements). In particular, I seem unable to do one of the exercises in the book, which amounts to proving the familiar last 2 isomorphism theorems for groups:

"Use only universality (of projections) to prove the following isomorphisms of group theory:

(a) For normal subgroups $M$ and $N$ of $G$, with $M\subset N$, $(G/M)/(N/M)\cong G/N.$ (I believe there is a typo in the book, as it says $(G/M)/(N/M)\cong G/M$.)

(b) For subgroups $S$ and $N$ of $G$, $N\lhd G$, $SN/N\cong S/(S\cap N)$."

Any help with these two problems (or any info that would shed some light on the whole concept of universality) would be appreciated.

Best Answer

What is meant by: "the universal property of the canonical projection $p:G \to G/N$", is that if we have $f \in \mathrm{Hom}(G,G')$ such that $f(N) = \{e_{G'}\}$, then there exists a unique $f'$ with $f = f'\circ p$. This is just the First Isomorphism Theorem in disguise, the $f'$ in question is: $f'(gN) = f(g)$, which is well-defined since $f(n) = e_{G'}$ for all $n \in N$ (so if $gN = g'N$ then $g' = gn$ for some $n \in N$, thus $f(g') = f(gn) = f(g)f(n) = f(g)e_{G'} = f(g)$). This is often paraphrased as "$f$ factors through $p$".

So the "normal way" of showing $G/N \cong (G/M)/(N/M)$ is to show that $f(gN) = (gM)(N/M)$ is a well-defined isomorphism. But let's look at this another way:

The map $p_N: G \to G/N$ is a group morphism that kills $M$ (since $M \subset N$), so $p_N$ factors through the map $p_M: G \to G/M$ so that $p_N = f \circ p_M$, for some morphism $f$. Note that this morphism $f$ goes from $G/M$ to $G/N$ and kills $N/M$, so it in turn factors through $p_{N/M}:G/M \to (G/M)/(N/M)$, that is $f = f' \circ p_{N/M}$. But we also have the map $p_{N/M} \circ p_M$, which kills $N$, so there is a morphism $k$ such that $p_{N/M} \circ p_M = k \circ p_N$.

So $k \circ f' \circ p_{N/M} \circ p_M = k \circ f \circ p_M = k \circ p_N = p_{N/M} \circ p_M$, that is: $k \circ f' = \mathrm{id}_{(G/M)/(N/M)}$.

Similarly, $f' \circ k \circ p_N = f' \circ p_{N/M} \circ p_M = f \circ p_M = p_N$, so that $f' \circ k = \mathrm{id}_{G/N}$ (using implicitly the fact that the projections are epimorphisms to justify the cancellation).

These two facts together imply that $k$ and $f'$ are inverses, and thus isomorphisms. The important thing about all of this, is that we never mentioned any of the elements of $G$, or even any cosets, just homomorphisms between various groups.

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