[Math] Cartesian Product and the empty set


I am not quite sure about the Cartesian Product in combination with the empty set.
Let's say:

$A := \{\{5\}\}$ and $B := \{\varnothing\}$.

What's the proper Cartesian Product?
Is it $A\times B = \{(\{5\}, \varnothing), (\varnothing, \{5\})\}$ or simply $A\times B = \{\varnothing\}$ because of $A\times \varnothing = \varnothing$?


As Brian M. Scott, Mauro ALLEGRANZA and amWhy said:


is right. Thank you really much!

Best Answer

Each of the sets $A$ and $B$ has a single element. For a moment call those elements simply $a$ and $b$ to avoid being distracted by the specific nature of the elements; then it should be clear that the only member of $A\times B$ is the ordered pair $\langle a,b\rangle$. Now let’s go back and recall what $a$ and $b$ actually are: $a=\{5\}$, and $b=\varnothing$. Thus, $A\times B$ contains just the ordered pair $\langle\{5\},\varnothing\rangle$:

$$A\times B=\{\langle\{5\},\varnothing\rangle\}\;.$$

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