Set Theory – Cardinal Numbers and the Power-Set


Natural numbers have an operation of incrementation defined on them. For every natural number $n+1$ is a bigger number. Also we can obtain all natural numbers from 0 by way of incrementation.

Similarly for infinite cardinals starting with $\aleph_0$ we have the power-set. Power-set of a set has a greater cardinality creating an "infinity of infinites".

My question is: are there cardinalities which cannot be obtained from the power-set operation?

Best Answer


First and foremost, although the power set operation gives a larger cardinality, it need not give the next larger cardinality (I'm assuming that the cardinals are well-ordered here, which follows from ZFC). This is the heart of the Continuum Hypothesis: the reals are essentially the power set of the naturals, are there sets of reals of intermediate cardinality?

Second of all, we have the notion of limit cardinals. The following is a chain of sets of increasing cardinality:

$$\aleph_0, \mathcal{P}(\aleph_0), \mathcal{P}(\mathcal{P}(\aleph_0)), \dots$$

But what's the cardinality of their union? It's bigger than all of them, but it's not equinumerous with the power set of anything smaller than it. (Can you see why?)

The remaining question is, can we climb up past all the cardinals via repeated applications of power set and union? This leads to the notion of inaccessible cardinals. These are cardinals $\kappa$ which are larger than the power set of anything smaller cardinal $\lambda < \kappa$, and larger than any union of less than $\kappa$ many sets each of which has cardinality less than $\kappa$. That is:

  • If $\lambda < \kappa$ and $\mu_i < \kappa, \forall i < \lambda$, then $\left|\bigcup_{i<\lambda}\mu_i\right| < \kappa$

The existence of such inaccessible cardinals is not provable from ZFC (unless ZFC is inconsistent). In fact, the hypothesis "there exists inaccessible cardinals" is so strong that ZFC + "there exist inaccessibles" implies the consistency of ZFC! This is of course strictly stronger, because ZFC alone cannot prove its own consistency, a la Godel. Inaccessible cardinals are one type of the famed large cardinals.