Real Analysis – Is the Cantor Set Compact?

cantor setreal-analysissolution-verification

Cantor set
See the link, I am referring to cantor set on the real line. I wish to show that it is compact. I am doing this by pointing following arguments. I am not sure if this is enough.

  1. Cantor set is bounded by definition in the region $[0,1]$
  2. Cantor set is the union of closed intervals, and hence it is a closed set.
  3. Since the Cantor set is both bounded and closed it is compact by Heine-Borel Theorem.

Best Answer

Cantor set is defined as $C=\cap_n C_n$ where $C_{n+1}$ is obtained from $C_n$ by dropping 'middle third' of each closed interval in $C_n$

As you have noted, Cantor set is bounded.

Since each $C_n$ is closed and $C$ is an intersection of such sets, $C$ is closed (arbitrary intersection of closed sets is a closed set).

As $C$ is closed and bounded, it is compact by Heine-Borel theorem.

PS: You cannot say that Cantor set is a union of closed intervals. Rudin is giving Cantor set as an example for a perfect set that contains no open interval!

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