[Math] Can’t there be more than one fixed points in a contraction? or none


I was going through the contraction mapping theorem in my book where it says, that if $\phi: G\to G$ is a contraction, then $\phi$ has a unique fixed point $\alpha$ on $G$.

Sequence {$x_n$}, $x_{n+1} = \phi(x_n) $ for $n=0,1,2…$ converges to $\alpha$ with
$$|x_n – \alpha |\leq\frac{\lambda^n }{1- \lambda} |x_1 – x_0| $$ for n=1,2,3,4….

Can a contraction have only a unique fixed point? Cannot there be multiple fixed points? Like this?

enter image description here

Or cannot it have any fixed points at all?

enter image description here

Best Answer

Yes, a contraction has a unique fixed point. Proof: Let $d(\cdot,\cdot)$ be our distance function (which is absolute value on the real numbers, but works in more general settings).

Assume $\phi$ is a contraction and $a,b$ are both fixed points. Let $0<k<1$ be our contraction constant. Then $d(g(a),g(b))<k\cdot d(a,b)$, since it's a contraction, but $g(a)=a,g(b)=b$, so $d(g(a),g(b))=d(a,b)$, hence $d(a,b)<k\cdot d(a,b)$, which is only possible if $d(a,b)=0$, hence $a=b$.

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