[Math] Can’t simplify this boolean expression


I'm trying to simplify this boolean expression:


I'm told by every calculator online that this would be logically equivalent:


But so far, following the rules of boolean algebra, the best that I could get to was this:


All of the above are logically equivalent (I've made a truth table for each) but I don't understand what steps am I missing trying to simplify the expression.

I also couldn't find an "expression simplifier" tool online that could show me the steps that I'm missing.

Help / directions to go to would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Well, clearly there's either $A$ or $A'$ in the first two terms, so use this to split the third wheel up, and absorb the pieces.

$\begin{align}(AB)+(A'C)+(BC) & = (AB)+(A'C)+(A+A')(BC) \\ & = (AB)+(A'C)+(ABC)+(A'BC) \\ & = (AB+ABC)+(A'C+A'BC) \\ & = (AB)(1+C)+(A'C)(1+B) \\ & = (AB)+(A'C)\end{align}$