[Math] Canonical form of a Quadratic form.

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I've been given the following quadratic form to find the canonical form of:
Q(\bf{z})= z_1z_2 + 2z_2z_3 − 3z_3z_4

through the method of forming perfect squares.

The method I've been taugh/show is to look at terms consisting of a specific variable, say $z_1$ and form the perfect square. We then set the canonical basis as the inside of the square (hopefully that makes sense…)

Until we get the quadratic form to look like:


where the alphas are the canonical coefficients.

Now I am stuck with the above problem as there is no square term. Typically my approach in these problems has been to start with a term that has a square term, and go from there. In this case, whenever I get to the final $\eta$ to find, I am left with two square terms, say $z_3$ and $z_4$

Is there something im missing?

Best Answer

When you don’t have any squared terms, a common trick is to pick one of the cross terms $z_iz_j$ and make the change of variables $z_i=\frac12(y_1+y_2)$, $z_j=\frac12(y_1-y_2)$. This change of variables comes from a polarization identity for quadratic forms. You then have a difference of squares with which you can continue.

Here, we can try $z_1=\frac12(y_1+y_2)$, $z_2=\frac12(y_1-y_2)$, obtaining $\frac14y_1^2-\frac14y_2^2+y_1z_3-y_2z_3-3z_3z_4$. After completing the squares a couple of times, you’ll once more be left with only a cross term, so apply another change of variables to it. When you’re all done, substitute for the $y_i$. (The factor of $\frac12$ in the change of variables is there to make this final substitution for the original variables “nicer.”)

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