[Math] Can you solve this Lagrange differential equation

ordinary differential equations

How can i found the solution for this:
solve this using Lagrange method (differential equation):
Hint: $$\color{#00F}{y^3 \equiv y'''}$$

Can you explain the method?

This is a capture for this example with solution.
enter image description here


Find the general solution for this differential equation


This equation is a differential Lagrange equation, by integrate the 02 (two) parts we obtain:


Best Answer

We are given (I think there is an issue in the hint):

$$\tag 1 y = 2y' x + y^3, y^3 \equiv (y')^3$$

If we let $p = \dfrac{dy}{dx}$, we can rewrite $(1)$ as:

$$\tag 2 y = 2px + p^3$$

Differentiating $(2)$ wrt $x$ yields:

$$\dfrac{dy}{dx} = p = 2p + 2 x \dfrac{dp}{dx} + 3 p^2 \dfrac{dp}{dx}$$

This reduces to:

$$\tag 3 3p^2\frac{dp}{dx} + 2x\frac{dp}{dx} + p = 0$$

Solving $(3)$ yields four solutions as:

$$p(x) = \pm ~\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}} \sqrt{\pm ~\sqrt{c_1+x^2}-x}$$

From our initial substitution, we have $p = \dfrac{dy}{dx}$, so we can write:

$$\dfrac{dy}{dx} = \pm ~\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}} \sqrt{\pm ~\sqrt{c_1+x^2}-x}$$

We can solve these four (it is possible that not all four satisfy the ODE) for $y(x)$ by rearranging and integrating. For example:

$$\int dy = -\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}} \int \sqrt{~-\sqrt{c_1+x^2}-x}~~dx $$

where $c_1$ is a constant.

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