[Math] Can you solve a quadratic equation using matrices


I was wondering whether there are any alternatives or more efficient methods to finding a solution to a quadratic equation other than simply trial and error or by using the quadratic formula.

I was once told that it could be very easily done using matrices. How would this work?

Additionally, are there any other "better" alternatives?

I would really appreciate if you were to give me examples and explain how to solve them with the alternate method.

Thank you 🙂

Best Answer

You can solve the quadratic equation $x^2 + ax+b=0$ by computing the eigenvalues of the companion matrix $$ \pmatrix{ 0 & - b \\ 1 & -a}. $$ Simple and efficient.

Of course not! It requires to solve exact the same equation most of the time. The characteristic polynimial of the matrix is $x^2 + ax+b$.

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