[Math] Can you extend vector fields on a manifold


I know that not necessarily you can extend a smooth vector field defined over a subset of a manifold to ALL of the maniffold, but, can you extend it at least to an open set? (Of course I'm talking about smooth extensions)

Best Answer

You're probably already aware of the result that not every smooth vector field defined on an open subset admits a smooth extension to a larger open set. For example, the vector field $V(x) = \frac{1}{x(x-1)}\ \mathbf{e_1}$ on $(0,1)\subset\mathbb{R}$ admits no smooth extension to a larger open set.

On the other hand, one usually defines a smooth vector field on a non-open subset $A$ as one that admits a smooth extension in a neighborhood of every point of $A$. (More precisely, a smooth vector field $V$ on a set $A$ is one that for every $p \in A$, there is an open set $U$ containing $p$ and a smooth extension $\widetilde{V}$ defined on $U$ whose restriction to $U \cap A$ agrees with $V$.)

However, it is a fact that every smooth vector field $V$ defined on an embedded submanifold $S \subset M$ that is closed as a subset of $M$ admits a smooth extension to all of $M$. I don't remember how the proof goes offhand, but it probably involves a partition of unity argument.

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