Number Theory – Can Modulos Be Done with Irrational Numbers?

irrational-numbersmodular arithmeticnumber theory

The other day, I was tutoring a fellow student on modulos, and we came across the topic of modular fractions. As far as I have learned, there are essentially two ways to do modulos with fractions, simply use them as remainders, or actually use some modulo manipulation. As an example I gave him, if you were to do $$9.5 \equiv ? \mod{5}$$ we could just write the answer as $4.5$, that would be the "easy" solution, but instead you could solve the equation $$\frac{19}{2}\equiv \mod{5}$$ $$4\equiv2n \mod{5}$$ $$n\equiv2 \mod{5}$$, so $9.5$ would in fact be equivalent to 2 modulo 5. Now, he asked a very intriguing question, what would $\pi$ be, say, modulo 2? I had no answer. My guess would be to take successively better approximations, but would that converge to one number? Does saying "what is $\pi$ mod 2" even make sense? Or is there no special answer and it's just 1.1415926…

Best Answer

You can interpret modular arithmetic in both of the ways you illustrate, but one of them is a lot more common than the other in mathematics.

The one that's universally understood is the one in which $$ \frac{19}{2} \equiv 2 \pmod{5}. $$ The reason is that $$ 3 \times 2 \equiv 1 \pmod{5} $$ so $3$ is the multiplicative inverse of $2$ and

$$ \frac{19}{2} \equiv 19 \times 3 \equiv 2 \pmod{5}. $$ In that context you would never write $19/2$ as the decimal $9.5$.

Moveover, in that context expressions like $\pi \pmod{5}$ make no sense at all and some that seem to are impossible. For example, $19/2$ makes no sense modulo $6$ since $2$ does not have a multiplicative inverse modulo $6$.

The other way modular arithmetic is sometimes construed (in computer languages rather than pure mathematics) is as the remainder when you subtract the largest possible multiple of the modulus. I don't want to use $\equiv$ to write that because it bothers my mathematical sensitivity so I will use $\%$ as do some programming languages. Then $$ 19.5 \ \% \ 5 = 4.5 $$ and, as you say, $$ \pi \ \% \ 2 = \pi - 2 = 1.14159\ldots $$.

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