[Math] Can we make such matlab code so that every time we run the program it will return the same randomly generated matrices


I want to compare efficiency of two iteration methods for computing inverse of a matrices. I want to test performance of these methods on some randomly generated matrices. I want to know can we make such matlab code so that every time we run the program it will return the same randomly generated matrices. Could anybody answer me? I would be very much greatfull to you.


Best Answer

In the new versions, use rng('default') to set the seed for the random number generator.

In older versions, it is something like rand('seed','twister'); but I don't remember exactly.

Either way, the first method is recommended by MATLAB.

Edit: here is code to generate random matrix of size $100$

n=100; %size of matrix
rng('default'); % set random seed to matlab default
A = rand(n,n); % generate random matrix

If you run this same code multiple times, you will get the same A each time.