[Math] Can this ant find its way back to the nest


So the puzzle is like this:

An ant is out from its nest searching for food. It travels in a straight line from its nest. After this ant gets 40 ft away from the nest, suddenly a rain starts to pour and washes away all its scent trail. This ant has the strength of traveling 280 ft more then it will starve to death. Suppose this ant's nest is a huge wall and this ant can travel in a whatever curve it wants, how can this ant find its way back?

I interpret it as: I start at the origin. I know that there is a straight line with distance 40 ft to the origin, but I don't know the direction. In what parametric curve I will sure hit the line when the parameter $t$ is increasing, while the total arc length is less than or equal to 280 ft.

I asked a friend of mine who is a PhD in math, he told me this is a calculus of variation problem. I wonder if I could use basic calculus stuff to solve this puzzle (I have learned ODE as well). My hunch tells me that a spiral should be used as the path, yet I am not sure what kind of spiral to use here. Any hint shall be appreciated. Thanks dudes!

Clarification by dfeuer

As some people seem to be having trouble understanding the problem description, I'll add an equivalent one that should be clear:

Starting in the center of a circle of radius 40 ft, draw a path with the shortest possible length that intersects every line that is tangent to the circle.

Best Answer

Historical summary

It is the famous problem invented by R. Bellman in 1956 [1]. It is known as 'Lost in a Forest Problem':

What is the best path to follow in order to escape a forest of known shape and dimensions?

The subproblem for the half-plane forest with known distance from the boundary was solved by J. R. Isbell in 1957 [2]. He described the path with the length


where $d$ is the distance from the boundary of the forest. He gave the proof in outline that his path had minimal length. The complete and detailed proof was given by H. Joris in 1980 [3]. The consideration about this problem can also be found in the book [4].

The overview of the results on the general problem up to 2004 can be found in [5].

Isbell's path

The form of the shortest path:

The shortest path

As @Will Nelson wrote the shortest path consists of the 3 line segments with lengths $\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}d$, $\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}d$ and $d$ and the arc of the circle with radius $d$ which subtends the angle $\frac{7\pi}{6}$. The total length of the path is

$$L_{\min}(d)=\frac{2}{\sqrt{3}}d+\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}d+\frac{7\pi}{6}d+d=\left(\sqrt{3}+\frac{7\pi}{6}+1\right)d\approx 6.397d$$

In our case $d=40$ so $L_{\min}\approx 255.890<280$. The ant can survive!


  1. R. Bellman, Minimization Problem, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 62 (1956) p. 270. [Available online at the AMS BAMS archive, free of charge.]

  2. J. R. Isbell, An optimal search pattern, Naval Res. Logist. Quart. 4 (1957) pp. 357-359. [Available online at Wiley Online Library, 35$ cost.]

  3. H. Joris, Le chasseur perdu dans la foret, Elem. Math. 35 (1980) pp. 1-14. [Available online at the site of École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, free of charge.]

  4. Z. A. Melzak, Companion to Concrete Mathematics: Mathematical Techniques and Various Applications, Wiley, New York, 1973, pp. 150-153. [I couldn't find this book online. According to @Barry Cipra Google Books let some users see a big chunk of this book with relevant pages.]

  5. S. R. Finch and J. E. Wetzel, Lost in a Forest, American Mathematical Monthly 111 (2004) pp. 645-654. [Available online at the site of Mathematical Association of America, free of charge.]

Update: Some references were added.

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