[Math] Can the singular values be plotted


I have a set of 3 x 3 co-variance matrices that I need to plot.

Using singular value decomposition (svd) in Matlab I managed to obtains a vector of singular values for each matrix as stated here.

I did plot the resulting singular vector on a 3D plot and got a spread of points which I could explain according to my experiment.

My question is whether this type of plotting is permitted and correct? If not how can I plot a set of co-variance matrices?

Best Answer

Since you wrote in the comment to my other attempt at an answer that you want to visualize covariance matrices to see whether they are different, I'd recommend you simply plot the matrix entries coded by color. The plotting can be done by pcolor, but for the comparison it is important to have a common colorscale.

Assuming you have nm matrices of size nv x nv stored as a three-dimensional array c of dimension nv x nv x nm:

minc = min(c(:));
maxc = max(c(:));
for i = 1 : nm
    subplot(3, 4, i)     % adjust such that the number of subplots is >= nm
    C = c(:, :, i);
    C(nv + 1, nv + 1) = 0;
    pcolor(0.5 + (0 : nv), 0.5 + (0 : nv), double(C))
    axis equal tight
    caxis([-minc, maxc])

The result might look for example like this:

enter image description here