[Math] Can the rational numbers be specified as an ordered field with

analysisrational numbersreal-analysis

In other words, (the opposite of my question is) does there exist an ordered field which is isomorphic as (as an ordered SET) to $\mathbb{Q}$? If not, does there exist an order property which specifies $\mathbb{Q}$ among ordered fields?

For instance, the integers are the unique ordered ring whose positive elements are well-ordered. (You can replace this with 'Any set bounded below is well-ordered', to remove any reference to the ring structure). The reals are the unique ordered field with the least upper bound property.

My first thought for a counterexample would be finite real algebraic extensions of $\mathbb{Q}$ which inherit an ordering as subsets of $\mathbb{R}$. These are at least countable, but I can't think of how I would construct an isomorphism.

Best Answer

$\Bbb Q[\sqrt 2]$ is a field and a countable dense linear order. All countable dense linear orders without endpoints are order isomorphic. That doesn't say there is a nice way to define the isomorphism by a formula.