[Math] Can the product of infinitely many elements from $\mathbb Q$ be irrational


I know there are infinite sums of rational values, which are irrational (for example the Basel Problem). But I was wondering, whether the product of infinitely many rational numbers can be irrational.
Thank you for your answers.

Best Answer

Yes, it can.

Consider any sequence $(a_n)$ of non-zero rational numbers which converges to an irrational number. Then define the sequence $b_n$ by $b_1 = a_1$ and $$ b_n = \frac{a_n}{a_{n-1}} $$ for $n > 1$.

We then have that $$ b_1 b_2 \cdots b_n = a_1 \frac{a_2}{a_1} \frac{a_3}{a_2} \cdots \frac{a_n}{a_{n-1}} = a_n. $$

We thus see that every term of $(b_n)$ is rational, and that the product of the terms of $(b_n)$ is the same as the limit of $a_n$, which is irrational.