[Math] Can the notion of “squaring” be extended to other shapes


We all know what squaring is:

$$n^2=n\times n$$

More specifically, I could define it as

$$n^2=\text{ area of a square with side length }n$$

Instead of using normal notation, I wish to say that

$$\operatorname{square}(n)=\text{ area of a square with side length }n$$

Is there any point in having this extend to other shapes?

$$\operatorname{triangle}(n)=\text{ area of a triangle with side length }n$$

$$\operatorname{pentagon}(n)=\text{ area of a pentagon with side length }n$$


Specifically, is there any good reason for why we would have such things? Secondly, what makes the square so special here that it gets its own operation?

For example, we could've done everything in terms of triangles. Then the area of square would be given as


Preferably, I'd like to say $\square(n)$ and $\triangle(n)$, but I can't do $\pentagon(n)$.


My goodness, I completely forgot to include the circle function, the most important of them all! So don't forget to consider that.

A similarly good question is whether or not this has been used before. (I know we use circles/triangles when dealing with polar coordinates)

Best Answer

Actually, there are so-called polygonal numbers of all sizes. The triangle numbers are 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, ... . They can be arranged in the shape of a (filled in) equilateral triangle. They are formed as

1, 1+2, 1+2+3, ... , so the n'th triangle number is $T_n = n(n+1)/2$.

Similarly, the square numbers can be formed (just using addition) as

1, 1+3, 1+3+5, 1+3+5+7, ..., and the n'th square number is (of course) $S_n = n^2$.

The pentagonal numbers, which form regular pentagons (including the interior points) are 1, 5, 12, 22, ..., which are formed by

1, 1+4, 1+4+7, 1+4+7+10, ... .

And if you study the question of "Which triangle numbers are also square numbers?", you'll be lead to solving the Pell equation $X^2 - 2Y^2 = 1$ and finding infinitely many solutions to $T_n=S_m$, the smallest non-trivial solution being $T_8=S_6=36$. OTOH, I'm not sure if it's known whether there are infinitely many numbers that are simultaneously triangular, square, and pentagonal, or indeed whether there are any such numbers (other than 1).