[Math] Can tangent and cotangent spaces be distinguished


Let $M$ be a Riemannian manifold, and let $p \in M$.

I know that the tangent space at $p$, $T_pM$, is isomorphic as a vector space to the cotangent space at $p$, $(T_pM)^*$. Thus, in some sense, as vector spaces, they are indistinguishable.

Since $M$ is a Riemannian manifold, $T_pM$ has an inner product, the Riemannian metric, and thus is not just a vector space, but also a Hilbert space. Thus elements $v \in T_pM$ have notions of angle and length, and can be thought of as "geometric vectors", i.e. arrows pointing from some origin.

Do elements $w \in (T_pM)^*$ also have notions of length and angle, allowing them to be thought of as geometric vectors? Or is $(T_pM)^*$ just a metrizable topological vector space, allowing one to think of $w \in (T_pM)^*$ as "points", objects for which there is a meaningful notion of distance and a "Cartesian grid", as well as notions of addition and scalar multiplication, but not of length or angle.

Overarching question: do the tangent space at $p$, $T_pM$, and the cotangent space at $p$, $(T_pM)^*$, have any different structures defined on them which are not defined on their counterpart? And for those structures which are defined on both sets, for which are they isomorphic?

  1. Is the cotangent space also a Hilbert space? If so, are the tangent and cotangent spaces isomorphic as Hilbert spaces?
  2. Is the cotangent space also a Banach space? If so, are they isomorphic as Banach spaces?
  3. Are they both metric spaces? If so, are they isomorphic as metric spaces?

Best Answer

The Riemannian metric provides a natural identification of the cotangent space with the tangent space. Therefore the cotangent space is also naturally equipped with a Euclidean (or if you prefer Hilbert-space) metric. The simplest way of thinking of the identification is to send a tangent vector $v$ to the covector given by the inner product with $r$, namely $\langle v,\cdot\rangle$.

So they are naturally isomorphic as Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces, and metric spaces.

Expressed in terms of indices, the relation is simply this. If $v_i$ represents a vector and $\alpha^j$ a covector then the relation $v_i=g_{ij}\alpha^j$ (summation over a repeated index as usual) gives a way of passing between a vector and its corresponding covector. Here $g_{ij}$ is the Riemannian metric.