[Math] Can someone explain the precise difference between of direct sum and direct product of groups


As far as I know, the direct product of groups $G_1, \dots , G_n$ is the group with the underlying set being the cartesian product and the operation done component wise. It's not clear to me what a direct sum of groups $G_1, \dots ,G_n$ really means. Wikipedia makes it sound like the term "direct sum" is used to refer to the direct product of abelian groups.

Some clarification would be appreciated.

Best Answer

The direct sum of a family $\{G_i:i\in I\}$ of groups is the same as the direct product when $I$ is finite. When $I$ is infinite, however, the direct sum is a proper subgroup of the direct product: it’s the set of $g\in\prod_{i\in I}G_i$ such that $g_i=1_{G_i}$ for all but at most finitely many $i\in I$.