[Math] Can someone clarify something in Fubini’s theorem please


In my notes I have a version of Fubini's theorem which differs from the other forms of it I've seen which seem to all be like the one found on wiki here.

Here is the version I have in my notes;

Let $(X,\mathcal{A},\mu),\;(Y,\mathcal{B},\nu)$ be complete $\sigma$-finite measure spaces and $f$ a function on $X \times Y$ whose integral with respect to $\mu \widehat{\otimes} \nu$ exists (completion of the product measure $\mu \otimes \nu$). Then;

$\displaystyle\int_{X\times Y} f(x,y)\; d(\mu \widehat{\otimes} \nu)(x,y) = \displaystyle\int_X \bigg(\displaystyle\int_Y f(x,y)\;d\nu(y)\bigg)d\mu(x)= \displaystyle\int_Y \bigg(\displaystyle\int_X f(x,y)\;d\mu(x)\bigg)d\nu(y)$

The subtle difference here is our function is no longer required to be integrable, all that is needed is for the integral to exist. Can someone explain why switching to the completion of the product measure removes the requirement for our function to be integrable? Note integral exists means it is well defined but possibly infinite. Integrable means the integral is finite.

As you can see on the wiki page (counterexamples at the bottom) under their conditions if the integral is infinite the theorem does not hold. But here we seem to have removed that issue.


Best Answer

Check out Tonelli's Theorem. The point is that, for a non-negative function, if either iterated integral is finite, then the function is product integrable and you may envoke Fubini's Theorem to conclude that all integrals are equal. In particular, for a positive function, the iterated integrals, in either order, are always equal to the product integral, no matter if the function is integrable or not!

These statements suffice to cover also the case that either the positive part or the negative part of a function is product integrable, do you see how?

In a sense, it is Tonelli's Theorem which gives Fubini's Theorem its strength, since you commonly employ Tonelli's Theorem to show that the function is product integrable.

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