[Math] Can rational numbers have decimals

rational numbers

I had a question in my exam paper – Which of the following is not a rational number?

a) $\sqrt{25}$

b) $\sqrt{45}$

c) $\sqrt\frac{256}{225}$

d) $\frac{3}{4}$

The answer to this is b. Now, $\sqrt{45} \approx 6.708$. Can someone explain why this not rational? Is it about decimal points?

A rational number is any number that can be expressed in the form of $\frac{p}{q}$, where $p,q$ are integers and $q\neq 0$.

So $\frac{3}{2}$ qualifies as a rational number right? But, in decimal form, $\frac{3}{2}$ is $1.5$ which has decimals. I thought integers don't have decimals, so 1.5 shouldn't be a rational number!

Can someone clear up my mind? Simple terms please 🙂


Best Answer

First off, your definition of rational numbers is correct. So $3/2$ is a rational number, but in the definition it does not say that $p/q$ should be an integer, only that both of $p$ and $q$ should. Rational numbers can have decimals and even an infinite decimals, BUT any rational number's decimals will have a repeating pattern at some point whether it be like $$ \frac23 = 0.666... $$ or $$\frac{92}{111000} = 0.000\hspace{2px}828\hspace{2px}828\hspace{2px}828... $$ or $$\frac32 = 1.500 \hspace{2px} 000 \hspace{2px} 000...$$ The reason why $\sqrt{45}$ is not rational is not because it has decimals. We have that $$\sqrt{45} = \sqrt{5\cdot 9} = \sqrt{5}\sqrt{9} = 3\sqrt{5},$$ so $\sqrt{45}$ must be irrational if $\sqrt{5}$ is irrational. In fact it is known that $\sqrt{p}$ for all primes $p$ is irrational such as $p=5$, see e.g. this.

Therefore we can say that $\sqrt{45}$ is irrational.

To see why the product of a (non-zero) rational number and an irrational number is irrational, see this.