[Math] Can it be determined that the sum of the diagonal entries, of matrix A, equals the sum of eigenvalues of A

linear algebra

I have a question to ask down below, that I have been having some trouble with and would like some help and clarification on.

Suppose A is an $n \times n$ matrix with (not necessarily distinct) eigenvalues $\lambda_{1}, \lambda_{2}, \ldots, \lambda_{n}$. Can it be shown that:

(a) The sum of the main diagonal entries of A, called the trace of A, equals the sum of the eigenvalues of A.

(b) A $- ~ k$ I has the eigenvalues $\lambda_{1}-k, \lambda_{2}-k, \ldots, \lambda_{n}-k$ and the same eigenvectors as A.

Thank You very much.

Best Answer

For the first,

$$A = P^{-1} M P$$

Where M is a (upper triangular) matrix with eigenvalues of A as diagonal elements. This is what it means to say that A is always similar to its Jordan form.

Use $Tr(AB)=Tr(BA)$

$$Tr(A)= Tr( P^{-1} M P) = Tr(MPP^{-1})=Tr(M)=\sum_n\lambda_n$$

b) Let $B=A-kI$ with eigenvalues be $\chi_n$

Eigenvalues are determined by solutions of $$|B-\chi I|=0$$ or, $$|A-(\chi+k)I|=0$$

but since you know $$|A-\lambda I|=0$$ you get $\chi_n = \lambda_n-k$

Let $Y$ be an eigenvector of $B$. So $BY=\chi Y$. Now plug stuff in for $B$ and $\chi$ and see what you'd get.