[Math] Can exact square roots not be found


I'm brushing up on some higher level maths for a programming project. I was going along and then I realized that I have absolutely no idea how square roots can be computed.

I mean sure, I've memorized a lot of perfect squares. But I wouldn't be able to get an exact answer from some arbitrary number like 432,434, would I?

I Googled how to calculate square roots and everything always points to it basically being based on algorithms which have a degree of error because they're more or less guesses.

I can't seem to find out why it's impossible to get an exact square root though. Like why can't you plug in $x$ to a function $f(x)$ and get the exact square root?

Very curious about this.

Best Answer

The square roots of non-perfect-square-integers are irrational numbers, which means that they have an infinite number of decimals, that do not repeat. So it would be a little tedious to write down the exact value...

Square roots can be computed, among others, by the so-called Heron's method (known BC), which is of the "guess" type, but converges extremely fast.