[Math] Can exact numbers be written in scientific notation


I've learned in scientific notation you have last number as probable. Meaning it could be anything…

so in $3$ significant digit number such as follows

$3.34$ has '$4$' which could be anything.

Now if had exact number and I wrote in scientific notation won't that make it inexact as it's implied that in scientific notation last digit is probably something else.

  • Exact number: $2650$
  • In s. Notation: $2.650$ x $10^3$

So now $0$ is probable and unsure number..?

Best Answer

Certainly I can write $10!=3,628,800=3.6288\cdot10^6$. This is exact, but if you just see $3.6288\cdot10^6$ you might wonder if it had been rounded. It may be more useful to write it this way, as it is more evident the magnitude of the number. There is nothing special about scientific notation. When you see $\pi \approx 3.1416$ it has been rounded and there is no power of $10$.