[Math] Can every problem in NP be exponentially reduced to any other problem in NP

computational complexitycomputer sciencenp-complete

A and B are both problems in NP.
Does a function f that transforms any instance of A into an instance of B and function F that transforms the solution to that instance of B into solution to problem A exist?

Basically, is the following true?
$$A,B \in NP$$
$$\{ \exists f,F\ |\ A(x) = F(f(A(x))),\ f(A(x))=B(y)\}$$

This answer indicates that polynomial reduction is possible if both A and B are in P and I'd like to know it something similar occurs in NP as well.

I'm aware that a polynomial reduction would mean P=NP (and vice versa) and that a reduction of problem in NP to a problem in NP-complete is possible in polynomial time, but I wonder if even if P $\neq$ NP, some form of transformation is still be possible.

Thank you

Best Answer

Any problem in NP can be solved in exponential time because $NP\subseteq EXPTIME$.


So the answer of this question would be the same as the answer you linked for two problems in P.

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