[Math] Can anyone explain the average case in insertion sort

computer sciencediscrete mathematicssorting

I am not sure if this question is off topic or not but a question like this has been asked on this site before – Insertion sort proof

Here is an example of insertion sort running a on a set of data

enter image description here

Here is the instructor's runtime proofs for the different cases (slide 10)
enter image description here

Can anyone explain the intuition behind the i/2 in average case? I get worst case(number of comparisons = element number) and the best case(everything in order, 1 comparison per element).

Best Answer

Reading through the slides I noticed the insertion sort implementation discussed here is actually sub-optimal: An element is swapped into place in a bubble-sort like manner. Since the sorted list at step $i$ has $i$ elements, the average number of comparisons (= swaps - 1) needed to sort the $i+1$-st element into place is $$\frac12(1_{\text{element is in place}} + i_{\text{element is smallest yet}})$$ So actually the correct average case estimate would be $$\sum_{i=1}^{N-1} \frac{i+1}2 = \frac{(N-1)N}4 + \frac{N-1}2 = \frac{(N-1)(N+2)}{4}$$ But this is also $\mathcal O(n^2)$ so that's a minor mistake.