[Math] Can any smooth manifold be realized as the zero set of some polynomials


Is any real smooth manifold diffeomorphic to a real affine algebraic variety? (I.e. is there an "algebraic" Whitney embedding theorem?)

And are all possible ways of realizing a manifold $M$ as an algebraic variety equivalent? I.e. suppose $M$ is diffeomorphic to varieties $V_1$ and $V_2$, are these isomorphic in the algebraic category?

Admittely I'm just asking out of curiosity after reading this question: Can manifolds be uniformly approximated by varieties?

Best Answer

A quick Google search found this paper, where it is stated that the answer to the first question is yes in the compact case (due to Tognoli): this result is called the Nash-Tognoli theorem. In general, the answer is no: a real affine variety has finite-rank homology groups, and it's easy to construct non-compact manifolds for which this is false (e.g. a surface of infinite genus). In fact, apparently there is a bound due to Milnor for the sum of the Betti numbers of a real variety.

The answer to the second question is certainly not: just take two elliptic curves with slightly different $j$-invariants.

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