[Math] Can an equilateral triangle be an isosceles triangle, too


I've looked in a math book that an isosceles triangle has at least two congruent sides. I also know that the words "at least" mean this symbol: $\ge$, which means "is greater than or equal to" or "is no less than." This got me thinking that equilateral triangles can also be isosceles triangles, but is that true?

Best Answer

NB: I am presenting this answer as a frame challenge. The primary motivation behind this answer is to make more permanent some of the comments left in response to the question and other answers, as well as to incorporate some ideas from a now deleted answer.

The Importance of Definitions

Mathematics is a human endeavor. The words we use to describe mathematical ideas are a human invention, hence it is important to recognize that different humans might use the same word to describe different ideas, or different words to describe the same idea. When one is trying to understand a mathematical idea presented by another, it is important to understand the presenter's definitions. From the definitions, further deductions may be made.

For example, in the question above, we have the definition:

Definition: An isosceles triangle is a triangle with at least two congruent sides.

An equilateral triangle has three congruent sides, and three is "at least" two. Therefore, per this definition, every equilateral triangle must be isosceles.

However, there are authors who give a different definition of isosceles triangles. Joel Reyes Noche notes that many primary school instructors define an isosceles triangle to be one with exactly two congruent sides. Indeed, this is the definition given by Euclid himself!:

  1. Further, of trilateral figures, an equilateral triangle is that which has its three sides equal, an isosceles triangle that which has two of its sides alone equal, and a scalene triangle that which has its three sides unequal. [Euclid's Elements, as translated by Thomas Heath]

Per this definition, no isosceles triangle is equilateral, and no equilateral triangle is isosceles.

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