[Math] Can a vector space have more than one definition of an inner product

linear algebravector-spaces

If so, can I define an inner product in our usual vector space where two vectors orthogonal with respect to the dot product are no longer orthogonal in the new inner product I define?

Best Answer

Sure. Let $V=\mathbb R^3$ be a real vector space with standard basis $e_1,e_2,e_3$. Define $f:V \to \mathbb R^3$ by $(e_1,e_2,e_3) \to (e_1,e_2,2e_3)$ and take the standard inner product (dot product) in $\mathbb R^3$ $\langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle_3$ for $\mathbb R^3$. Then, we can define $\langle x,y \rangle_*:= \langle f(x),f(y) \rangle_3$.

Note that $(1,0,1)$ and $(4,0,-1)$ are orthogonal in the inner product with subscript $*,$ i.e., $\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle_*,$ but not in the standard inner product. Likewise, $(1,1,-2)$ and $(1,1,1)$ are orthogonal in the standard inner product, but not in the inner product with subscript $*.$

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