[Math] Can a relation be both symmetric and antisymmetric; or neither?


Can some relation be at the same time symmetric and antisymmetric? And, can a relation be neither one nor the other?
Please give me an example for your answer.

Best Answer

A convenient way of thinking about these properties is from a graph-theoretical perspective.

Let us define a graph (technically a directed multigraph with no parallel edges) in the following way:

Have a vertex for every element of the set. Draw an edge with an arrow from a vertex $a$ to a vertex $b$ iff there $a$ is related to $b$ (i.e. $aRb$, or equivalently $(a,b)\in R$).

If an element is related to itself, draw a loop, and if $a$ is related to $b$ and $b$ is related to $a$, instead of drawing a parallel edge, reuse the previous edge and just make the arrow double sided ($\leftrightarrow$)

For example, for the set $\{1,2,3\}$ the relation $R=\{(1,1), (1,2), (2,3), (3,2)\}$ has the following graph:

enter image description here


$\begin{array}{l|l|l} &\text{set theoretical}&\text{graph theoretical}\\ \hline \text{Symmetric}&\text{If}~aRb~\text{then}~bRa&\text{All arrows (not loops) are double sided}\\ \hline \text{Anti-Symmetric}&\text{If}~aRb~\text{and}~bRa~\text{then}~a=b&\text{All arrows (not loops) are single sided} \end{array}$

You see then that if there are any edges (not loops) they cannot simultaneously be double-sided and single-sided, but loops don't matter for either definition. Any relation on a set $A$ that is both anti-symmetric and symmetric then has its graph consisting of only loops (i.e. is of the form $R=\{(a,a)~|~a\in S\subseteq A\}$ for some $S\subseteq A$.

Any relation whose graph contains both types of arrows (single-sided and doublesided) will be neither symmetric nor antisymmetric.