[Math] Can a nonsingular square matrix be made singular by changing exactly one element or vice versa

gaussian eliminationlinear algebramatricessingular values

  1. Given a nonsingular square matrix $A$, can changing just one element make it singular?
  2. Given a singular square matrix $A$, can changing just one element make it nonsingular?

For $1$) I was thinking that the reduced row echelon form of $A$,say $E$ ($E$=$E_{1}E_{2}E_{3}…..E_{n}A$), must be identity so changing just one $1$ to $0$ would make it singular $\bar E$. But then , does that mean alteration in just one element in the original matrix when the same row operations are inverted on the new matrix i.e ${E_{n}}^{-1}…..{E_{1}}^{-1}\bar E = \bar A$ is singular but do $A$ and $\bar A$ differ by only one element?

For $2$) May be wrong because in this case one or more than one rows are zero rows so putting one pivotal $1$ in each row will make it non-singular and reversing the row operations will give a non-singular matrix.But the same problem here . How many of original elements are altered? If the RRE form had more than $1$ zero rows then I guess it is not just $1$ element.

Am I going in the right direction or totally messed up?

Thanks for the answers @Servaes and @Dustan Lavenstein. Those were really helpful.
Can anybody please throw some light on the process I was trying ? Can the answer be obtained in that way, especially for the first question?

Best Answer

  1. Your method to get a singular matrix in the first question is not going to work. For example, you have got identity matrix as $I=EA$ where $E$ is the product of all elementary row operations. It means that $E^{-1}=A$ and after pre-multiplying with it, you basically have the identity $A=A\cdot I$. Then you switch one unity in the identity matrix to zero, but this turns the whole column in the new $A$ to zero. $$ A=\left[\matrix{a & b\\ c & d}\right], \qquad \left[\matrix{a & b\\ c & d}\right]\left[\matrix{1 & 0\\ 0 & 0}\right]=\left[\matrix{a & 0\\ c & 0}\right]. $$ A correct way to make the matrix singular by changing one element only is to look at the effect of this one element, say $x$, on the determinant. Using the cofactor expansion of the determinant along the row that contains the element $x$ we get $n$ terms, of which one is "$x$ times the cofactor of $x$" and all others do not depend on $x$, i.e. $$ \det A=ax+b $$ where $a$ is the cofactor and $b$ is a constant. If $a\ne 0$ the determinant can be set to zero by setting $x=-\frac{b}{a}$. If $a=0$ then we pick another element in the row. Clearly some element in the row must have non-zero cofactor. If all cofactors in the row are zeros then we conclude from the same expansion that $\det A=0$, which contradicts the assumption that $A$ is non-singular.
  2. In your second question you may take a zero matrix as a counterexample.

P.S. As to the first question, we have proved a stronger claim. We have shown that a non-singular matrix can be made singular by changing only one element in a pre-defined row (or column).