[Math] Can a matrix transformation ever make a linearly dependent matrix linearly independent

linear algebramatrices

I'm curious. Can ANY matrix transformation make some matrix with its columns linearly independent, or with an empty kernel, linearly independent? For example, if A is a linearly dependent matrix, and B any matrix, could BA ever come out to be linearly independent?

Best Answer

No it can not: $$ A \in K^{m\times n}, B \in K^{p\times m} $$ $A$ is linear dependent, so there exist $\lambda_k\in K$ not all equal to $0$ with $$ \sum_{k=1}^n \lambda_k a_k = 0. $$ where $A=(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n)$ or: there is a non-zero vector $x_0 = (\lambda_k)\ne 0$ with $$ A x_0 = 0. $$ For $BA$ we have $$ (BA)x_0 = B(Ax_0) = B 0 = 0 $$ so regardless of the choice of $B$ the vector $x_0$ is a non-zero kernel vector for $BA$, so $BA$ can not be linear independent.

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