Abstract Algebra – Can a Binary Operation Have an Identity Element Without Associativity and Commutativity?

abstract-algebrabinary operations

I tried getting the answers in similar questions, everyone says that it's not necessary, but if $e$ is the identity element for any binary operation $*$, which is not associative and commutative, how can


when it is not commutative, i.e. $a*b \ne b*a$?

Even if we get a value by solving $a*e=a$. Will we get the same value by solving
$e*a=a$ ?
Please provide an example.

Best Answer

Asserting that the operation $*$ is not commutative means that there are elements $a$ and $b$ such that $a*b\neq b*a$. It does not mean that $a*b\neq b*a$ for any two distinct elements $a$ and $b$. Therefore, an operation may well not be commutative and, even so, to have an identity element. There is no contradiction here.

For an example of a non-commutative and non-associative algebraic structure with an identity element, take, for instance, the octonions.