[Math] Calculus: Sketching a Graph that satisfies the following conditions (I)


I have to sketch a graph that satisfies the conditions:

A. $f(2)=f(4)=0$
B. $f'(x)\lt0$ if $x\lt3$
C. $f'(3)$ does not exist
D. $f'(x) \gt 0$ if $x \gt 3$
E. $f''(x) \lt 0$,$x\ne 3$

I am a bit stuck on how to tell if the second derivative is always negative from a graph? I know that there is a sharp turn at $x=3$, and there is also a minimum there but the second derivative part trips me up.

Best Answer

It sounds like you understand what you are doing now, but I will answer anyway.

Condition $A$ means that the function has roots at $2$ and $4$.

Condition $B$ means that the function decreases on the interval $(-\infty,3)$.

Condition $C$ means that the function is discontinuous or has a cusp at $x=3$.

Condition $D$ means that the function increases on the interval $(3,\infty)$.

Condition $E$ means that the function is everywhere concave down, except at $x=3$ (which is expected, given the previous conditions).

Notice the symmetry in these conditions about $x=3$. That should help you. Although the problem only asks for a sketch, these conditions are satisfied by the graph of the equation $y=\frac{(x-2)(x-4)}{|x-3|}$, as well as many others.

enter image description here