[Math] Calculus II: 3d graph question


The graph of $z = f (x, y)$  is shown below. In each part, determine whether the given partial derivatives are positive, negative, or zero. (Note that the function is symmetric about 0 in both the x- and y- directions.)
Graph for Problem #2
enter image description here

(a)  $f_x(2, −2)$   and  $f_{xx}(2, −2)$

(b)  $f_y(2, −2)$ and  $f_{yy}(2, −2)$

(c)  $f_x(−2, 0)$ and  $f_{xx}(−2, 0)$

(d)  $f_y(−2, 0)$ and  $f_{yy}(−2, 0)$

I have no idea how to solve this question. I am so sorry to just ask like this but our math teacher just went over this topic very briefly and I couldn't find an example question similar to this.

Best Answer


  • The graph looks like $z=y^2-x^2$.
  • For example for $f_{\color{green}{x}}(\color{green}{2},\color{blue}{-2})$ you imagine a plane parallel to the $\color{green}{x}z$-plane which is positioned at $\color{blue}{y=-2}$.
  • This plane intersects with the graph and cuts off the curve $z = \color{blue}{(-2)^2}-x^2 = 4-x^2$.
  • Now, check slope and convexity of the graph of $z= 4-x^2$ at $\color{green}{x = 2}$.
  • Be careful while using your picture as the $x$-axis is reversely scaled.

enter image description here

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