[Math] Calculation of $\lambda$ in determinant multiplication.

determinantlinear algebramatrices

a^2+\lambda^2 & ab+c\lambda & ca-b\lambda \\
ab-c\lambda & b^2+\lambda^2& bc+a\lambda\\
ca+b\lambda & bc-a\lambda & c^2+\lambda^2
\lambda & c & -b\\
-c& \lambda & a\\
b & -a & \lambda

Then value of $\lambda$ is

options:: (a)$\; 8\;\;$ (b) $\; 27\;\;$ (c)$ \; 1\;\;$ (d) $\; -1\;\;$

actually as I have seen the question. Then I used Multiply these two determinant. but This is very tidious task.

So I want a better Method by which we can easily calculate value of $\lambda$.

So please explain me in detail.

Best Answer

I am not sure this is the best way, but brute force leads to:

$$\lambda^3(\lambda^2 + a^2 + b^2 + c^2)^3 = (1+a^2+b^2+c^2)^3$$

It is very clear what $\lambda$ has to be.

The first determinant yields: $\lambda^2(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + \lambda^2)^2.$

The second determinant yields: $\lambda(a^2 + b^2 + c^2 + \lambda^2).$

Maybe there is an easy way to take advantage of the second determinant with the RHS, but I am tired and do not see it.

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