[Math] Calculating work done by Vector Field on particle moving on curve


I've been working on this problem for an hour now, and I'm still not getting the right answer. Here is the problem:

If C is the curve given by $$r(t)=(1+2\sin(t))i+(1+5\sin^2(t))j+(1+4\sin^3(t))k
$$$$ 0≤t≤π/2$$ and $F$ is the radial vector field $$F(x,y,z)=xi+yj+zk$$ compute the work done by F on a particle moving along C.

So work done is given by: $$\int\limits_C {{\bf{F}}\cdot d{\bf{r}}}$$

Our parametrization is given in the problem. Taking the derivative and plugging it in the line integral, we have:

$$\int\limits_C {(1+2\sin(t), 1 + 5\sin^2(t), 1 + 4\sin^3(t)) \cdot (2\cos(t), 10\sin(t)\cos(t), 12\sin^2(t)\cos(t)) dt}$$

$$\int_0^{\pi/2} {2\cos(t) + 14\sin(t)\cos(t) + 50\sin^3(t)\cos(t) + 12\sin^2(t)\cos(t) + 36\sin^5(t)\cos(t)} \, dt$$

Which gives me $31.5$. But this isn't the right answer. Am I approaching the problem correctly? Is my set up of the integral correct? Thank you in advance!

Best Answer

Your calculations are correct up to one before the last integral:

$$\int_0^{\pi/2}\left(2\cos t+2\sin2t+5\sin2t+50\sin^3t\cos t+ 12\sin^2t\cos t+48\sin^5t\cos t\right)dt=$$

$$=\left.\left(2\sin t-\frac72\cos2t+\frac{25}2\sin^4t+4\sin^3t+8\sin^6t\right)\right|_0^{\pi/2}=$$



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