[Math] Calculating the Value of a complex limit


I am given some limits that exist, I'm supposed to find their values. Seems really simple however I am struggling.

Find the value of $\displaystyle \lim_{z\to\\i}\frac{z^4 – 1}{z-i} $.

My approach was to paramaterize $z$ to $it$ and transform the limit to something like:

$$\lim_{t\to\\1}\frac{(it)^4 – 1}{it-i} $$

Could anyone lend a hand as to how to solve something like this?

Best Answer

(1)L'Hospital directly

$$\lim_{z\to i}\frac{z^4-1}{z-i}=\lim_{z\to i}4z^3=-4i$$

(2) Factoring:

$$z^4-1=(z^2-1)(z-i)(z+i)\Longrightarrow \lim_{z\to i}\frac{z^4-1}{z-i}=\lim_{z\to i}(z^2-1)(z+i)=-2(2i)=-4i$$

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